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GeekPAK News

Read our latest news and announcements to see what we’ve been up to.

Our goal is to make it easier for you, the current, past and future client, to access up to date information about the happenings within our studio. Find out when we land a new client, finish a project, or present current technology issues at events.

Also, tell us what you are up to so we can post an article about it. If a client of ours is planning a party, hosting an event, or launching a new product, we are happy to tell the world about it.

Stay tuned for more news to come!
Title Date
NCoC Gets Even More Socially ActiveEngaging Users With Engaging ContentNCoC is an organization that unites information, data, commentary, experts and the generations in conversations about the state of America's civic health. Looking to expand upon a successful first year using the GeekPAK CMS NCoC added a suite of new tools to help their readers get the most out of March 1, 2010
Enhanced Website StatisticsGeekPak Announces New Web Information Module"There are lies, damn lies and"...well there are web statistics. GeekPAK believes in simplifying information management. We also believe that information trumps data. February 15, 2010
New GeekPAK Features Added in 20092010 Roadmap Announced2009 was a tough year for everyone, but at GeekPAK we decided to make the best of it and keep innovating and adding features. Here's a list of what we added as well as a quick roadmap for 2010. January 4, 2010
Rehabilitation Insititute of Chicago’s LIFE CenterContinuous Improvement Makes The Best BetterGeekPAK builds web infrastructures for success. A strong flexible foundation ensures a future of growth and innovation. The latest series of enhancements and innovations made the best online rehabilitation resource even better. December 17, 2009
Announcing GeekPAK LiteIndustrial Strength Website. Entry Level Price.With GeekPAK Lite you aren't getting a reduction in features, you are getting a proven content management system (CMS) with a track record of building successful websites. October 19, 2009
Chicago Public Schools Excellence in Teaching ProjectLeverages GeekPAK CMS to Power Their WebsiteUsing GeekPAK Lite, Chicago Public Schools was able to develop an industrial strength website at an entry level price. September 2, 2009
Why a Web Strategy Trumps a Web SiteInnovation, Even in Tough Economic TimesWhen you choose to work with GeekPAK you get more than just a website you get a web strategy, you get a web partner and most importanly, you get our Content Management System (CMS). September 1, 2009
NCoC Expands It’s Website and Broadens the Civic DiscussionGEEKPAK Provides Key Tools For Achieving ResultsBuilding on last year's launch of the new National Conference on Citizenship website, NCoC expanded it's web presence and in the process broadened the national conversation on civic engagement.
August 3, 2009
Xenophon Strategies Stays Ahead of the CompetitionChanging the Conversation To Match The Market Strengthens BusinessLeveraging their investment in the GeekPAK Content Management System Xenophon Strategies has continued to innovate on their website and stay ahead of the curve.
July 6, 2009
Access Living Expands It’s Infrastructure and It’s Bottom LineNew Online Ecommerce and Donation CollectionAfter the successful launch of it's new website in December 2008, Access Living wanted to build upon it's web infrastructure by adding the ability to take online donations. April 1, 2009
New GeekPAK Features Added in 2008GeekPAK has been under constant development and refinement since 2001. Here are some of the features and items added to the codebase in 2008. December 31, 2008
FileMaker Recognizes GEEKPAK!GEEKPAK awarded the Mad Dog PR Award GeekPAK was recently awarded the Mad Dog PR Award by FileMaker (the #1–selling database for Mac and PC) as one of the 7 winning firms worldwide to actively promote our companies' services with FilmMaker's database platform! July 22, 2008
Ready? And... Action!FilmKeyGeekPAK recently started work on a website with Digital Media entrepreneur Christopher Goettsch, whereby actors can post information about themselves for film agencies to comb through. June 21, 2008
The Root Plants A SiteTaproot ProductionsGeekPAK is proud to announce that Taproot Productions, a Chicago based digital media shop owned by Alex LeMay, has launched their new website. June 19, 2008
Climbing to New HeightsGorilla TreestandGeekPAK finished it’s second hunting related e-commerce site within the last month. With all of this practice, GeekPAK is sure to hit their target and help Gorilla Treestands climb to new heights within the treestand industry. April 28, 2008
Ready, Aim, Fire!Eastman OutfittersShhh, be very very quiet, we’re hunting websites. Eastman Outfitters, creators of exceptional hunting products for the serious hunter, has launched their new website that was designed and implemented by GeekPAK. April 14, 2008
Cruising Towards the Trip of a LifetimeOprahIf you could plan the ultimate vacation, where would you go? Who would you invite? Approached by their close friend Taproot Productions and Event Architects, GeekPAK was asked to produce the logo for this grandiose event. April 03, 2008
Perched Hunters To Get New WebsiteGorilla TreestandsGeekPAK is set to re-design and implement yet another website within the hunting industry. April 01, 2008
Dance Website Gets Cosmetic LiftSeeChicagoDance.comGeekPAK finished the redesign of the website in true fashion. March 25, 2008
One Stop “Dance Taking” Shop Goes will be one of the first websites of its kind that focuses on offering a single destination to find all available dance classes in the Chicago area. March 25, 2008
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F:  718.836.0509
346 N. Justine
Chicago IL 60607-1010
564 72nd Street
Brooklyn NY 11209
6031-F Curtier Drive
Alexandria VA 22310